Crime Auto Grand Gangster is Trying To Commit Robbery On Mobile Gamers (Review)

Where do I even start, if you have ever wanted to play an early developmental version of Grand Theft Auto with absolutely nothing of substance to actually do other than running around and harassing citizens with guns with little to no variance then Crime Auto is going to be the perfect pick up for you!
In case you didn’t catch the sarcasm, this game is really not good. It works, somewhat, so there’s that; but as a package this game is seems like more of a live testing version of a larger plan. You’re thrown into a sandbox world made up of large shapes and people that seems to only be concerned with wherever they are walking to next and from there you are left to your own twisted devices. There’s little guidance by way of daily missions but other than that, it’s shoot a citizen, get beat by the cops, repeat.
Crime Auto looks a lot better than most games of this quality but it still plays pretty badly and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious mobile game to play.
+ It works
- Gameplay stiff and buggy
- No objectives or sense of direction
- No immersive features added (sound fx, voice overs, a general story)
- I could keep going on but I think you get the point by now
2/5 (2 because there’s maybe about 2 minutes of fun to be had)
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