Hmm, I have play this game since it release, so for is okay, maybe bc I hasn't encounter any bug or issue, will maybe the animation kinda of need improvement, but I have seen a lot reviews, like the network connection(and yes, the network connection I do get whan I first installed the game but I deleted it and reinstall again, is fine now) and the quality,
is understandable,
whan u waiting for a game but to get a disappointment(just like other I be waiting sad😩), well this what happens when ppl expecting something(don't always get u hopes up)
(What else)
Oh yet, about the quality, I'm put the quality higher than is np for me and my phone is HUAWEI nova 5T than again u can't complain nowadays mobile games go beyond like Genshin Impact, tower of fantasy other platform games may come to mobile
What can I say NO. Nowadays ppl are crazy 🤪, if catch if you catch my drift
And besides this game release yesterday so it may have bug and issue, for now I didn't encounter bug or issue. This is noise for me(oh god I hope not for me just bc i say I didn't encounter bug)
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