Ninja Survivors is a MULTIPLAYER ROGUELIKE GAME! Full of SUSPENSE while trying to SURVIVE!

Ninja Survivors is a multiplayer ROGUELITE game that really took me by SURPRISE. A roguelite with MULTIPLAYER? That sounds like FUN. And I was right, it is really fun! And getting into matches is SUPER FAST too.
Gameplay wise NInja Survivors plays like most roguelike games on mobile, but this time around you play as cute ninjas, you can also equip your ninjas with gear which you can get from chests, which of course cost premium gems, but you do earn a fair amount while playing the game.
You can also earn some free gems by watching ads if you so choose. I was able to purchase a few armor chests with the gems I had saved up, and I was able to get a couple blue items to wear in order to help me in the games. When you enter a quick match you will be paired up with another player. And while there is no communication possible in the games, which makes sense considering how intense the matches can get, you can manage to send emojis to one another if you have the spare time in between waves. You can also play the games solo if you so choose, but I think making the most of the multiplayer feature is the best option, that's the main feature of this game after all. And it helps a lot. I was struggling to complete stage 1 because I just wasn't that strong enough, but I was able to get carried while spectating and my partner who was obviously much better geared than I was, was able to mow down all the enemies and win the stage, letting me progress as well. So word of advice, don't just quit the game after you die. Stick around, spectate and if your partner clears the stage, so do you! Then you can get the stage rewards to help strengthen yourself too.
The game also has a idle feature called Explore, so while you are not playing the game, you are also getting valuable resources to be used in the game. Considering how challenging the game can get, even at stage 1, I think this is a great addition. Any free help to get stronger is very much welcomed that's for sure.
Visually this game seems super cute. With 4 ninjas to choose from, 2 behind a paywall, the character designs are super cute. I really like the dog ninja, but that one has to be paid for. The art style is anime-ish but very cartoony, the colours are bright and cheerful which can actually make my eyes feel a bit overwhelmed at times, but it suits the aesthetic of the game for sure.
Overall I'd say that Ninja Survivors is a super fun and intense roguelike experience. With challenging stages, even when others play with you, you can expect many deaths before you get strong enough to pull your own weight in quick matches. If you love ninjas and roguelike games and always wished to play with others, then this could be the game for you. Download it NOW and try it for yourself.
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