In Nightmare Review. Are you persistent enough to escape?

In Nightmare is a PC adventure horror game  where you will play as a kid and will try to escape the strange place you woke up in. With the help of your companion solve the puzzles, avoid monsters, collect your memories and find your way to freedom.
It all starts with you being kidnapped from your loving family. We wake up in some strange house, that doesnt look real. As we explore the area around we will be joined by a dream spirit companion that will help us to light the area around.
Soon enough we will meet our first monster - the lady that kidnapped us. Main goal is to sneak by her and find a way to continue the escape. This is more like a puzzle, we need to find a way on how to distract the monster lady. Dropping furniture will attract her, and we can sneak by without being noticed. Of course we can try to escape old-fashioned way by running, but most likely we will get caught in the end.
After the escape we will find ourselves in a mysterious place that is missing some pieces. And it will be the main goal to find story pieces and mementos in the future chapters. The more of the chapter we complete - more stuff will be unlocked in the main hub area.
In the end In Nightmare feels like an interesting adventure game. It have unique feeling to it and some feeling of suspense as you play it. Controller vibration when monsters are nearby adds a little bit of tension on top to spice things up.
We hope that this In Nightmare review helped you to learn something new about the game or make up your mind about buying it. If you have your own thoughts on In Nightmare, let us know in the comments below.
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