Cosmo Blaster is an ENTERTAINING GAME, when played in SMALL DOSES

Cosmo Blaster is a pixel style space ship arcade style game on mobile devices, you do need to buy the game however but it isn't an expensive game.
Gameplay wise this game is pretty bare bones, and doesn't have any real depth to it. You just fly around in space shooting asteroids and picking up special boosters that will aid you in the game. You can't just shoot non stop either because your ammo is limited, and your gun can overheat if you use it too often, so the best option is to pick your targets and shoot when you are sure you can destroy the rocks.
You can of course pick up ammo that will float around as well as speed ups for your gun which can help, and you can get the x3 shooting which makes it a lot easier to get some easy points but it will burn through your ammo faster. There are no lives in this game, once you get taken out by an asteroid thats it, game over. So you have to be very careful to not get hit too many times because your shield won't last forever. When you do die, you can enter your high score so that you can try to beat it the next time you play. Or you can also try to take on the scores that are already entered into the game.
Visually this game isn't anything impressive. It's just a static image of space as the background while your pixel ship goes around shooting grey rocks. It's very basic and not very demanding on any device. But it does have an appeal to it. It feels kind of retro and reminds me of older arcade games a bit.
Overall I'd say that Cosmo Blaster is a pretty fun game in small doses, I don't think I would be able to play this for long hours unless I got addicted to trying to beat the high scores.  I would say this is a good time killer, but there are plenty of better time killer type games that don't cost any money on the mobile store. So in the end it's up to you if you think this game is worth the purchase. It is very very cheap though, so it's not like you would be breaking the bank by getting this game.
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