Super Hero Mega Ramp Car Stunt was VERY ENTERTAINING... BUT WHY SO MANY ADS?!

Super Hero Mega Ramp Car Stunt is an interesting game. On the one hand I had a lot of fun playing it... But the ads... They might haunt me for a while...
Gameplay wise this game is actually very very entertaining. You race cars around various stunt type maps while doing flips and spins and gathering coins and extra NOS while trying to get the best scores. You can unlock various cars and knock off super heroes as you play the game and while the free mode is fun and its great to try get the best times when racing. The best part of the game is definitely when you unlock multiplayer. Racing others while spinning and twirling in the air and trying to knock other players over, or them knocking you over is pretty hilarious. And I really did enjoy playing that mode a lot.
However the one thing that completely ruins this game is the obscene amount of ads this game has. There are ads on the main screen while playing the game, there are ads when you accept unlocked items, there are ads to get more items, ads after every finished race, and the worst culprit was getting an ad in the middle of a race. How can you put an ad in the middle of a multiplayer race? Was it because someone had won the match, so the rest of the players had to experience their ad before they could complete the race themselves? That's still not right if you ask me. It's the main reason I can't give this higher than 3 stars. The ads are just too much. If they just calmed down a bit and just had a couple ads perhaps, it wouldn't be so bad, but the amount they do have... Is just not right. It ruins a perfectly fun game.
And that's very disappointing.
Visually this game is really good looking. The graphics are actually pretty decent and you can even set the graphics settings to ultra in the game settings. The maps are bright and colourful and also well made.
Overall I'd say that Super Hero Mega Ramp Car Stunt is a fantastic game ruined by too many ads. The name could be shortened too perhaps, I do think it's a bit long. I would love to keep playing the multiplayer of this game, it's just very entertaining. But I won't touch this game again because of the ads and that is a real shame.
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