Back to the Past — A Jurassic Journey

Setting the violence aside, this game is the kind of game that children will be wanting to play because of the graphics and of course, because of the dinosaurs. It is a fun adventure game where you get to meet the different kinds of dinosaurs who roamed the earth millions of years ago. Kids are often amazed and interested in these giant creatures, so I think with a bit of polishing, this game can be an educational tool not just for children, but also for adults.
In this game, your character roams around the dry desert area. But with these carnivorous creatures around, it is unsafe. As you wander around, several dinosaurs will come to you and will try to eat you, so you must fight your way out. You have no guns or swords to defend yourself. What you have is an old-fashioned bow and arrow to knock them down. As you go around the area killing some dinos, you can upgrade your damage using the coins you collected along the way or via ads (where this game has so many).
You have to defend yourself because these large creatures see you as their lunch. You can't dodge them, you just have to shoot them with your arrows before they reach you. Even though they run a bit slow in this game, you can feel the suspense Never let them near you, you can't pet them.
This game has the potential to weigh more on the educational side. Maybe on some updates, put the names of dinosaurs somewhere in the game. I would like to know the specie of what I'm seeing. Maybe add a little description of these dinosaurs' information —are they carnivorous? Omnivorous? We won't know unless we do some research. Also, with the short distance of checkpoints, please reduce the ads. People would get bored easily with these. Another thing is the design of the bow skins. Some skins cover your crosshair, making it hard for you to shoot the enemies. Also, I don't get the point of the gems because I looked and I can't seem to spend them anywhere! Maybe on some skins or some good upgrades for the next updates.
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