Is this my new Battlerite?

The game is a 4-on-4 MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) that is already out for early access and free to play on PC, where it will also be extended to mobile devices. The ultimate goal of the game is to become the first cross-platform MOBA game, if not one of the few multiplayer games utilizing a cross-platform setup.
The game is focused on ending the other team as quickly as possible. Eliminating the traditional dominating map and farm the map till the item comes. It was also designed to have fun and shorter game duration compared to rivals.
One thing that bothers me is that it resembles the game title above. The old game title is already dead but looks like it is getting resurrected with FANGS. The whole genre itself is quite different, it is more akin to the likes of a team royale with different characters and focuses on the individual skills of the characters used.
I haven’t gotten my hand on this game for my mobile device but have downloaded it on Steam for my pc. I hope to play it soon on my phone because that would be more convenient. Faster gameplay-focused objective and on a smaller device for a multi-platform game, I hope FANGS can dig deep into the MOBA and battle royale normies of the mobile community. They deserve a game where they can all meet at some point competitively and it will spark another need for an event for this kind of game.
Mentioned games
with what I played on pc, I want to play it for mobile more. touch and even flicks could feel sooo satisfying
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