Posing Cut Starts off STRONG, but FIZZLES out FAST

Posing Cut started off great. Cut the strings tied to the articulated doll in order to get it to pose in the correct manner as the example picture shows. But then... It disappointed me greatly.
Gameplay wise the idea is pretty cool. You have a doll with joints tied in various points and you must cut the rope in the correct places in order to pose the doll correctly. And that's pretty much the end of what you have to do. I was looking forward to more difficult poses and trickier rope ties to uncut. But then after I think 3 or 4 poses... It repeats itself, And it doesn't repeat itself as a more difficult version, it's the exact same thing. Over and over again. Why would anyone want to repeat the same puzzle over and over again, and I did try it a few more times to check that it wasn't just a one off glitch, and no, after it repeated the same set of poses again, it started from the beginning... Yeah this isn't good at all. I was expecting a lot more from this, it seemed pretty cool in the beginning. But it failed hard at the end.
Visually, while simplistic, the doll itself is modelled well, it looks really high detailed and moved well when you cut the ropes, the physics are a plus, shame that's about it.
Overall I'd say that Posing Cut started off strong, and it could have been so much better. But in the end it was a disappointment and I think it's not worth your time to download, unless you enjoy repeating the same thing over and over again. Even the puzzles the game does give, are not very challenging. Very disappointing game.
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