so I've been playing this game, from the beginning of the soft launch until now the official release. standard auto games that you can find everywhere. with CG skills that feel very cheap and only a few characters have CG animation. the skin also doesn't have a special CG skin for each character. As for the story of the game, I can't say much, because during chapter 5, I started to feel bored reading it. and in the end I always skip the story. And the story isn't dubbed either. the only difference is, there is a stage that you have to subscribe to a month to be able to skip that stage.the prizes in the game are also mediocre. and materials to improve the character also requires a lot of it.maybe if you are a person who likes grinding and has a lot of time, maybe this game is right for you. because, progress in this game feels long. the events in this game really suck.very unattractive and always requires a large amount of exchange material. because it is hindered by the material that you have to look for every day, even the income is very little. and to do the exchange it takes very much. Lastly, if you are f2p players, I suggest not touching this game, just looking for something else. there are still many auto games similar to this. and whaler, if you spend your money on this game, maybe you will feel disappointed with what you get.
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