Blast Knights Almost Had Me... But it wasn't FUN ENOUGH For Me

Blast Knights. A Game that at first glance looks pretty cute with a fantasy style to it at the same time. You need to use your hero to target various different coloured orbs on the ground to be able to charge into enemies and to use special abilities. Which is all fine and everything except if you die and don't decide to watch an ad to revive.
There is 10 stages per region from what I experienced, maybe more if you get far enough, but if you die and don't revive, you have to start from stage 1 again and work your way back up. So make sure to revive and watch that ad, unless you want to start from the beginning of that chapter like I had to. The game seems fun, but a bit confusing. I admit it felt very confusing at times. And while the game was bright and colourful, I just don't enjoy the gameplay.
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