Blast Knights is a game that at first I thought this could be pretty fun, with its bright and colourful themes and crazy main character design... I thought I could have fun in this game... However I was wrong.
Gameplay wise Blast Knights has you charging from orb to colourful orb, trying to get combos that will let you use special skills. These special skills are unlocked from the bingo skill menu. Which if you get a bingo, unlocks an extra skill. Watching ads will also let you unlock more skills. So if you want to unlock the full bingo menu, you will have to watch a few ads before you reach the last boss of the chapter. However the game design and how the gameplay works felt confusing to me, and I didn't truly enjoy my experience with it.
And if you do die, make sure you watch the ad to revive at 50% health, otherwise you will have to start the chapter from the beginning again. And with gameplay that was already beginning to annoy me, this was something I didn't want to do. Visually the game is colourful, bright and seems very cute in its design. Sadly while the game looks great, it wasn't enough to hold my attention for very long.
Overall I'd say that Blast Knights is a game that tried to grab my attention, tried to make me like it, but in the end... I just couldn't enjoy the gameplay or the bingo menu, or the fact you need to watch more ads to unlock the rest of the menu, otherwise you won't have a full skill tree to work with by the time you get to the boss. This is a game I will be passing on. It's not for me.
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