The game didn't lack any information

When I say I'm looking for a tutorial on how the game works, this is what I'm telling ya. I was mindblown when I started off playing this. It gave all the information I needed on every round, thus the hero skills were generous enough for me to finish the game easily.
The hero and the monster concept was superb. The UI was smooth and the background was fit for the game. This game trains your strategy and thinking, which I think not most games have. I'm still in the easier rounds and I'm expecting more when I reach the higher levels.
The gameplay requires three matches to defeat the monsters. Match the puzzled colors to attack the monster. Plan your steps and move strategically to fight the enemies. It's also helpful to create your combo skills and focus on the power-ups given in each game.
I still have a lot to unveil and I might revise this review once I get to grasp the overall game concept.
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