A Worthy Platform-Fighter

never did I expect to find one of the best platform fighters on IOS/Android. Many games of the genre fail to find their footing in an attempt to imitate Smash, and end up getting core concepts in game-feel wrong. Flash party suffers none of those pitfalls. Game speed is just right, character animations have good weight.  Hitstun and hitstop gives the combat a a great feeling. All little things that are hard to put into words, but if they were missing, you'd definitely feel like something "wasn't right"
As a mobile game, it's not without the trappings of mobile game culture. Energy bars, Grindy progression, and microtransactions abound.  I don't mobile game much so these were glaring to me. but I imagine these things are less a deal breaker for others. And honestly, I'm willing to overlook it for such a great game.
Sound is also another weak point. The game's music is great and the sound effects add to the feeling of weight that gives the game such a great feel. But there's a certain unavoidable emptiness that comes from the characters being unvoiced. Not the end of the world, but voicework would go a long way in improving the experience.
Overall, I really love this game. Great job Flash party team
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Even better from PC. It is now available on Steam.
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