Will you draw her?

To the next unfortunate painter,
If you read this. Then it might mean the painting found another victim. You get the painting from an art dealer I guess.
You see nothing right? Same goes for me. I dont know what happen because it all happen too fast, before I realise that I trapped with her.
Now, because you trapped in her realm. That mean she have control over everything within including your life. Worry not, as long as you follow her order, she will spare you for the next day.
The girl will demand for anything she want everyday you with her. Make sure to exactly follow her order. If you upset here, that is the end for you. However, I got the feeling that you are different from before so continue trying.
Sometime, thing may not seem like what it look like. You need to upgrade your imagination as a painter as this is not just a normal painting. You need to imagine the consequences of your action like what will happen if you put food on table and such. Worry not, she will remind you of it. Though a bit rough.
Sometime, she wont say much about what she want. This might be difficult to determine what she want. So dont forget to check your phone frequently. It will greatly help you during your time with her.
Anyway, all I want to say is good luck. Enjoy your stay with her while it last. Im done with mine and im satisfied. Hope you will too.
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