There are alot of things that are wrong with this game. First of all, the most part that affects gameplay is the invisible objects at Noshorn Canals map. Then the animations doesn't even compare to other Mobile Game's animation today. The Sound design too, when I listen to reload sounds it just feels off. Also the gun Firing sound doesnt suit the guns at all. There's also no 3D models of Guns when you customize it.
Mentioned games
gg GG
gg GG
just don't play it , bcs of guys like you they cancelled it and we the guys loving BF+M got sad , i wish your phone gets crash like your mind
What a childish response. They cancelled it because the Game does not get enough attention because it sucks. Plus its EA they probably think they dont get enough money so they cancelled it
gg GG
gg GG
bla bla bla, you even don't try to have fun you just like COD+M fans who just hate BF without real reasons , your reasons is bullshit bro
Bro you mad?
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Niz 31
Niz 31
imagine complaining on game that is literally still on alpha test
Nah bro. I've Participated in Alpha Tests of other games and this one is the worst one of them all. it's like they didn't put enough effort to it
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Tumba Hina
Tumba Hina
it's better to have no game than to have a half assed one....lmao plus what can we expect from EA they prolly wanted to enter the market after seeing how games like pubg and codm were earning fat money on skins..
it's a closed bata meaning only people picked by the game devs get to play in the closed bata don't lissen to all the people saying the game works if u use a VPN it's a blaten lie/troll. sadly tap tap and other app stores didn't say the app was a closed bata untill days and weeks later after u were able to download it tap tap didn't say it was a closed bata untill people flooded the app store with nagitive revews then and only then did the change the games description and made it so people couldn't down load it even players picked for the closed bata that used tat tap to install the game were fucked over bc if the closed bata tester uninstalled the game after installing it from tap tap they were not able to reinstall it and play it tap tap from what ive seen has a nasty habit fucking with its users and getting its streamer to lie or over hype a game that's absolutely shitty so the streamers u see on tap tap are sponceree by then and have signed a NDA so bassicly the streamer can't speak what they really think or admire they have signed a NDA with tap tap so bassicly any games tap tap devs like the streamer bassicly Java to make a video revew it and give it a good or bad rating depending on what the tap tap devs what so never trust game revews from or people who are hyping up a game in a way that seem to good to be true because rule of thumb is something sounds to good to be true odds are it.
Well now this game gets zero stars from me. It's not available in my country? i get it was the test phase but it's pretty upsetting to be into a game and the. all of a sudden you get the: This game is not available in your country bs message. I won't even bother downloading when it is available. I'm petty like that lol.
S.G Esterhuizen
S.G Esterhuizen
same dude
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