I always had a love-hate relationship with NetEase, they always make great games but their marketing team fcking handle buy bunch of retarded. If I remember correctly NetEase became popular in 2016-2017 because of (Knive Out) and then (Identity v) caught many people's attention that's how NetEase became popular but I learned about Neteaset when I play (Life after) CN test, that's how I learned about Netease.
Let's talk about their games -
I played life after 3 years, The early days of Life After were hidden gem that was in rough shape, needed some good polished, server was fcking garbage 250-300ms all the time but in the Early days the grind and new map exploration hooked you up and the nighttime was really scary in fall forest, zombie every place, they can knock you out and you could team up with other players to explore but the most fun thing was camp system and manor building, the game was going at the right place but after 1 years of playing  i realise that devs didn't give a shit about the community, they don't give a fck wtf community says to fix only care about more money and more gacha p2w bullshit. In 3 year's they fix few fcking bugs, game still buggy mess, NA server still give 100-200 ms, new attachment systems says pure fck you to f2p and mid-spender players now pvp all about whales, now every fcking thing needs money you want SSS genre? go spend money on gacha or wait 7/8 months,  need broken ass drone chip? go spend money on gacha. need good stats in shield, gun or armor? ok than save formula shards for 1 year or spend money or buy from gacha, now few people sell  gun and  armor in trade city, because whales guns stats are so good that no one buy mid spender player gun, armor or shield.
with this p2w, gacha, server issue, bug with this  bullshit they butcher there own game, after seeing my friend list I realized the game was boring for a long time, those people who use to play this game and share goofy moments in camp they made the game enjoyable, now you can call the game officially dead. new server have few k players, old server like miska and sand castle looks like a ghost town.
Mentioned games
I've played this game because of the community. Not because of the game itself. The camp system is really good. I've found real life good friends from there.
yeet !!!
yeet !!!
sadly they dont care as long as few rich people spend enough money monthly to feed their staff and keep going
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