Now that I played the full game and experienced pretty much all the content I can give a review, it is pretty solid it has its things that make it special from the rest, though it gets boring after a while and need a lot more content, after that it is just doing darkness which is a challenge but nothing special at all, just plain difficulty with no reward whatsoever, there is nothing that makes you want to keep going after a couple of successful runs which is not necessarily a problem since it has a lot of replayability with different build variations but I feel like its kinda empty out side of that, it needs A LOT more stuff (enemies, prettier maps, music, optimization, weapons and character balance, at least a bit of lore, why do they have super abilities, why are they all women, where are they and why), I know that the devs will surely fix these in the future but I wanted to share my take on it, I think I will hope out for a while until it gets something interesting
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