Through time, history and puzzles - The House of Da Vinci 3 Review

Recently I played a lot of puzzle games and The house of Da Vinci 3 is a fun one. It doesnt have the negative things other puzzle games have and looks intriguing and interesting.
First of all its fully 3d and looks very good. Graphic helps to figure out what to do and whats what exactly, which might be an issue for some games. Uncovering the secrets of the game is fun as well, because you can see every detail of the items you are holding and researching.
Another good thing about The House of Da Vinci 3 that other puzzle games lack are the hints. They guide you where you need to be in order to progress the game. And personally I felt like the time it takes to unlock the next hint is just right when you are stuck. You can try your own ways of solving the puzzle while you wait.
Moreover House of Da Vinci 3 have action packed story for a puzzle game. When the game starts you will be chased and shot, and from time to time you will have that feeling of danger even though you cannot be killed in the game
There are several locations where you will have to solve puzzles and you can use special tools to look into the past, change things there and it will affect the present, so gameplay is pretty fun as well.
And last but not least is how you look for things to interact with. Your cursor will change based on the things you are pointing to, so it will be easy to guess which areas are interactable and which not, which makes solving puzzles so much less tiresome.
Overall I think that The House of Da Vinci 3 is a great puzzle game for people who like those kind of games. It also have a story to it, so I can recommend it.
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