Resonance of the Ocean is a CUTE Musical Game FULL OF MYSTERY and QUESTIONS

Resonance of the Ocean is a game that looks pretty cute and with an anime vibe to it, it definitely had me interested. But man, it was REALLY short...
Gameplay wise the game has you collecting various items around the beaches in order to match up the sounds you are hearing over the wind. As the days progress, the items needed become more complex and can take a bit of trial and error to find the correct sounds.
There is also little bits of lore scattered around the island for you to read as well. Visually the game looks really nice, with some pretty colours and a subtle anime vibe to it. I do think the game looks really nice. Overall I'd say that Resonance of the Ocean is a game that will have you leaving with more questions than answers.
I honestly wanted the person or persons who were playing the sounds over the wind to eventually come and get me, but that didn't happen. The ending felt a bit sad overall, and I was left feeling disappointed by how the ending turned out. But it was fun trying to match up all the sounds.
There seems to be zero replayability though. It's pretty much a one and done type of game. But for what it is, it's pretty good. And worth the one time play through.
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