The Wizard's Perilous Quest Feels Unfinished...

There is so many bad things I have to say about this "game" I don't even know where to begin. The sad part is I don't even have any positive things to talk about. First off, the graphics are too pixelated making it hard to even read the text that pops up. There is a right way and a wrong way to do pixelated games and this game is a perfect example of the wrong way. Even the objects and certain items are hard to see because they are too pixelated. The next thing is the audio in this game is terrible. There is no background music at all. So, you constantly just hear loud sound effects when you attack or roll or have enemies nearby. It's very taxing on your ears and just makes you turn off the sound entirely.
This leads me to my next gripe which is the game doesn't have a settings menu. So, you have no way to adjust or change anything including the awful sound effects. This forces you to mute your devices audio in order to stop the god-awful sound effects for making your ears bleed. The game doesn't give you a map of the world or any real direction on where to go or what to do. Your often left wondering around clueless. The thing is though the world isn't even fun to explore. It's pretty boring and dull. The hit detection on the creatures is the worst I have seen. It's almost impossible for you to attack a monster without taking any damage. When your attack hits them it knocks them back a small distance which is supposed to stop them from attacking you. The problem is the knockback doesn't always work properly and often they just get moving towards you and attacking you back.
There was even one instance where I saw this giant green goblin, but he was bugged and would do his attack animation and it would never hit me. He wouldn't move close enough to reach so he would always stop short of me and then try to attack, and nothing would happen. Don't bother wasting your time or data downloading this. You will instantly regret it after just 30 seconds of playing. I would score this game a 1/10 because it is just that bad.
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