Project Stars dev interview: meet the team behind the much-anticipated open-world sandbox game

Every one of us is fascinated by space, and some of us decide to make a video game out of it.
We had an interview with HERO GAMES, the developer of Project Stars.
Q: What prompted you to start producing Project Stars?
A: I am not only been a sandbox game lover but also a space lover since childhood. So the idea of combining them was an ingenious one for me from early on. But we didn't want to make another space sandbox game with 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets without a single player to be found. We want to bring players a more interesting planet exploration experience so that a planet has a richer ecology and landscape. We wanted to provide an experience like finding and building a new home in the universe to help players be able to have fun with their friends.
Q: How long did it take you to create this game?
A: It has been more than 4 years since the project was established. We will continue to invest more time and effort to polish the quality of the game and improve the gameplay. We will try our best to present the best "planet" to everyone when it is launched.
Q: How many members does your team consist of?
A: The development team currently consists of about 200 members. We will continue to recruit outstanding talents to join us and further expand our team. Besides, we will also consider inviting core players to polish the game together with us.
Q: What is the difference between Project Stars and traditional sandbox games?
A: This game features an open-world design with spherical maps, which can bring players a more immersive planet exploration experience. Another feature is the game within the simulation of the real survival environment. For example, the setting of weightlessness on different planets is not the same. After arriving on the planet, players also need to pay attention to their own oxygen value, cleanliness value, and other attributes in order to better survive on the planet. Outside of the game, we have also set up a creative workshop to further enhance the freedom of construction gameplay. The workshop integrates player-created construction plans, and there are already thousands of 3D models made by players. Players can subscribe to their favorite facility plan and enjoy it within the game in the future.
Q: What is the completion level of the current version of Project Stars?
A: The overall completion of the current version is about 60-70%, which means that the core gameplay and basic functions of the game have been completed. Of course, there are more improvements to Project Stars, and more new features will be added later.
Q: Will Project Stars support exploring ocean areas in the future?
A: Ocean areas are indeed in our future plans. I believe that the expansion of ocean areas will enhance the exploration gameplay of current planets and allow players to experience a more diverse ecological environment.
Q: What platforms does Project Stars plan to launch on?
A: Our game is currently in beta on the Android platform, and will be launched on Android and iOS platforms as a priority. We hope to launch on all platforms in the future.
Q: When is Project Stars expected to be officially released?
A: We are currently in the process of testing, launching, and other preparations, and we are optimizing the quality of the game. It is expected to be available to everyone in 2023.
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cant waiitt!!
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Leo Sky
Leo Sky
I have played lots of games like this the last one other than this one was earth revival it's a really good game and this is for those who like these sorts of game but I'm always on the search for the more realistic ones with the best graphics for me this is too colourful and cartoon like maybe in the future you will create game number 2 and It will be on that path I wish you're team all the best who knows what the future brings us
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hmmm~, looking forward for this game. you guys should be proud! you've done a lot and further, keep it up devs
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Rana Ahsan
Rana Ahsan
plz tell me secret neighbor date
Alexandre Oliveira
Alexandre Oliveira
I have a Xiaomi Redmi 9A 2gb ram 32gb Intern armazenation, This game run in my phone Redmi 9A?
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