Happy new year

The year 2023 is coming soon. We have prepared an event schedule for all players. We hope that everything will be smooth and healthy in the new year. (only the current round of holiday events are listed, and more wonderful events welcome you to experience in the game)
#Event time:2022/12/30--2023/01/05(GMT/UTC+8)
Event 1: Login Mails
Content: during the event time, you can get a login gift
Event 2: Password Gift
#Event time:2023/01/01(GMT/UTC+8)
Content: during the event time, send "Happy New Year" to get blessing reward (the password shall be in English)
Event 3: Discount goods
Content: during the event time, the goods will be sold at half price
Event 4: Redeem props
Content: during the event time, you can collect dropped props to redeem gifts
The above events refresh at 5:00. I wish you a happy game experience.
Mentioned games
The Bon Tran
The Bon Tran
oops. not double easy, normal and hard? :((
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