i want this game but i cant download the app. lucky i download on my tablet. not really sad it got on my  old old  acc
but i want my old acc but i can olny get on my phone but idk what happened to my phone . but this not you prob bc im just stuck like wishing it forever its not your fault ..... its my phone fault ..... i prob gonna wish for dragon city forever now i cant download i just wish that my phone isnt so bad bc i cant download anything at all and for the  kids funny baby games. it takes forever to download my phone haves a prob now but if you can help i wish you knew the  prob tho i made so many mistake  ITS JUST MY PHONE I WISH FOR TO DOWNLOAD DRAGON CITY I CANT BUT WHY?????? I JUST CANT DOWNLOAD THIS APP I LIKE IT I LOVE IT LIKE UR OTHER APPS AND GAMES I ALMOST HATE MY PHONE
.......i like your apps .... but not my ...
Mentioned games
shirakero its ok if you can't download anything
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