FAQ for Early Beta Access

💡Early Beta Access 💡
Will the data be kept this time?
No, it will be cleared.
How large is the game APK size?
It will be about 1G
How to check my ID or username?
Click the icon on the home page and check your profile
When will the game officially go live?
We'll keep polishing the game for further time to bring you a better experience, pls stay tuned!
How to contact the developers?
Leave a message on taptap or fill in the feedback form: https://forms.gle/BZzY9UeY3q7hzife8
You can also contact us via official Discord or Twitter.
💡Login & Account💡
How to switch my accounts
Log out from the current account and then switch to another one
How can I log in
We support logging in via 10+ ways but recommend logging in via Gmail or other mail
What if I forget the account or password
Pls contact the third party to find your account or reset the password
Can I log in to the same account with different devices
Yes if the devices have an android system
💡Device & Network💡
Crash or ANR?
Quit other running apps and clear the cache. And quit BYTE CITY to restart it. If the ways above can't resolve the problem, pls fill in the feedback form to tell us your specific information
Can I play it without a network?
As it's a multiple-player game, it only works with a network
We would send a maintenance announcement on Taptap before performing it.
If there's no announcement, pls fill in the feedback form to contact us
What device to play on?
Currently, the game is open for Android devices. We will support more platforms in the future
About Treasure Hunt
Test your speed! Run for the treasure boxes as fast as you can. Don't forget to get the speed-up buff. The player with the highest score wins
About Soccer Game
Push the footballs into the opponent's goal, and try your best to block another team. The team with a higher score wins
About Glass Bridge
Try to remember the right path and go off to the destination. And you would fall off once stepping on the wrong path
Mentioned games

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