Hero - Cleopatra

The Ptolemaic dynasty's last female Pharaoh, Cleopatra actually hailed from a line of Macedonian Greeks. She was famed for her charm, beauty, knowledge, and wisdom. Marrying her brother Ptolemy XIII as per Egyptian tradition, they ruled Egypt together, but Cleopatra soon governed the kingdom herself. She fretted over economic crises, famine, and natural disasters alone until she was exiled over political differences.
Seeing how the infighting weakened Egypt while her neighbors grew stronger by day, Cleopatra used her beauty to her advantage, most famously taking Julius Caesar as her lover to eliminate political enemies and cement both kingdoms' relations to preserve the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
In 44 BC after Caesar's death, Cleopatra and Mark Antony dealt with his lawful heir Octavian. Mark Antony ended his life after defeat by Octavian at the Battle of Actium. Cleopatra followed him soon after.
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