Explore this massive open world 2D RPG at your own pace | Kandria - Review

Kandria is a newly released hack and slash open world adventure game that you might say has rather simple pixel graphics, but fret not, underneath that surface level simplicity is a complex and expansive open world RPG game that will surely captivate you for hours on end.
The story starts with a ‘fish out of water’ scenario for the android Kandria, our main character. Being awoken by a human survivor after decades of deep slumber, she is welcomed by a post-apocalyptic world far different from when she came from. It's up to you to find out what happened.
The main macro gameplay of Kandria is about exploring the massive open world, doing open-ended missions and taking quests from NPCs, while the visuals and the combat is as if Another World and Celeste had a baby with its side-scrolling pixel art, all behind it are the somehow still beautiful scenery of a post-apocalyptic world, complete with a day and night cycle.
Nothing is inaccessible from the start. In a way, it is also a sandbox game. You can explore everything immediately, it's up to you what you want to do. Be it exploration, questing, patrolling, repairing, scavenging, trading, or even fishing. There will be something for everyone. You can be a lone-wolf android that just likes to aimlessly explore stuff, or you can be at the center of the narrative, doing questline after questline. Some quests are more repetitive than others, but ultimately it's a fun experience that is well catered to everyone’s playstyles and preferences.
Storyline wise, your choices matter in Kandria, your decisions about helping characters or not, and how you respond with your dialogue choices can certainly impact the story.
In Kandria, movement is an important aspect of the platforming and combat gameplay. Since she’s an android, she can perform superhuman feats like dashing forward, limited climbing of walls, and illuminating herself to light up caverns or interiors.
Against her are different types of enemies and environmental dangers. Dogs, corrupted androids, plus the two remaining factions in an on-going state of war.
The combat is simplistic in nature, you just use Kandria’s sword, which can be upgraded throughout the game, and hack and slash your way  — with light and heavy attack combos — into the different enemies while going about the world.
Despite its retro-esque art style, exploring the post-apocalyptic world has been a very immersive experience for me. They perfectly nailed the curious feeling of exploring dark underground caverns and old dilapidated buildings, enhanced by gentle solemn background music that really makes you feel like a post-apocalyptic wanderer.
Exploration in Kandria is very rewarding, often leading you to unlocking new secrets about the world, discovering hidden passageways, finding valuable items, collectibles, and even more types of enemies or environmental dangers.
Kandria is a simple game on the outside, but complex on the inside. I love everything about it and it is indeed a great indie title that respects your time and gives you choices. It is worth the moderately priced admission and a highly recommended indie title in my books.
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