Enemy AI improved, new effects added, more changes to come!

In today's post, we'll cover some of the upcoming changes and features for the game that we worked on over the past month.
There were further tweaks made to the AI to make sure that interactions with it are more interesting and dynamic. For example, in combat, the enemy can now target a single unit in order to bring it down more effectively. The AI will also make trade deals with clans to obtain the necessary materials needed to expand their empire or build new troop types.
Some of the development time was devoted to working on animations and adjusting the visual effects in Revival: Recolonization.
We told you about the new drop pods that automatons will be using. And now we're ready to show off their landing animation. From the landing hex, the automatons will start moving towards the target region in order to punish any wrongdoers.
Animations were introduced for certain weapons that can fire single shots or in bursts.
We also completed the monumental task of detailing the weapons in the hands of combat units. The differences between 3D models belonging to the same weapon class are now more noticeable.
Our team is also working on:
The game’s tutorial. A large number of game mechanics and systems makes this quite a daunting task =)
UI refinement.
Art for the game’s intro cut-scene (let us know in the comments if you want a sneak peak).
Game optimization.
Making the mini-map more useful.
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