There are lots to love about this game!

I was surprised how well this game is, the gameplay mechanics and graphics are nothing to sneeze at, which is not surprising as a player coming from another Netease game called "Lost Light" i think they made a great game but (and this is a BIG but) i hate the way you have to enter the map when you have to buy back what you looted before with coins which are limited! Please get rid of that mechanic because it's my loot and you don't get to take it away from the player and force to buy it back! Also the lag is just dogsh&t to be honest, hope they add more servers to include more regions (please add one to North Africa 😉) and controls can have more flexibility to suit more players with specific play styles (like hold to aim instead of pressing to toggle aim...)  But with that said i think the devs made a good job and hope they make it even better in the future and kudos for making the pass not that expensive at just 3.5$ which is cool
Hope you found my review helpful and imma keep updating it if there's anything worth mentioning 👍
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