Computer developers should not be allowed on mobile

Gaming developers need to stop uploading the same copycat games to mobile.
Like they will see pubG mobile doing super successful then get the bright idea we need another 10 more pubG mobiles.
Look at project stars that's a game that took their time to make something different for us not copying more trash.
Or like we'll have a perfect game and then a computer developer shows up and Sue's the mobile game and gets it shut down...
That shit needs to end too we don't want your trash computer shit on mobile.
We want mobile gaming not trash computer games not ports not copies........
Developers make me sick when they take the same game we already have and try to create the same game and say look at this new Game we created.........
When in reality they lied straight to your face as they simply copy a game like pubg or lostlight or something that netease or azur  created.......
It's like Stop being a lame copycat. Because that's why your games are failing on mobile........
Yes if you are a computer developer do not bring your trash to mobile we don't want it at all.
If you want to bring your game to mobile you need to find a very skilled mobile developer to design a mobile game not port or copy your trash computer game....
It's like we don't need 90 call of duties we don't need a 1000 battle royale games we already have net ease doing that....
We already have escape games like lost light we don't need a shit ton of extra copies like arena And several others
Kind of like a rainbow siege sued the 1st bomb mode  Game that they had on android Like that game was perfect and now we got rainbow releasing a shitty horrible game When we had the perfect game already.
Like I'm still pretty upset rainbow siege destroyed one of the best bomb games on android just to release a shitty knock off computer version that we did not want at all.....
Like  If fortnite can copy everything from pubg mobile  Then why is rainbow siege 6A computer game allowed to shut down a perfect mobile game I hope rainbow fails for what they did to my perfect mobile game.
Computer developers make me sick and they need to stay the fuck off  mobile gaming because you suck ass at making video games otherwise your computer systems wouldn't be trash and failing in the markets right now........
There's a reason mobile gaming is number one because we don't have a bunch of computer developers destroying everything that means stay off mobile we don't want you.......
Ps mobile gaming is number one. So don't lie to us about your dead pc master race⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Yeah It may sound dumb to you and the person typing but the simple facts are nobody plays computers anymore mobile gaming is number one despite what anybody may say. And area 52 did not copy that trash game from computer Like beside the game ode nothing is the same...... And I'm reporting your name....
Delta Wowf UwU
Delta Wowf UwU
Okay, this will be a long one to deconstruct, and before we start, let me preface this by saying I could end this easily and stupidly by just saying, "Ha ha mobile gamer laugh at him!" So do not just reply to this with, "Haha furry tries to make an argument.," because we should be above that as rational 'critics' yes? Anyway let us begin this deconstruction, I will summarize at the end for those of you that don't want to read a review to a criticism. First off, before we begin I would like to tell you that your structuring and grammar are a bit off, I will ignore this as this is most likely a low blow, I will not be a Grammar Nazi. The first problem I see from your criticism is that you called Project Stars a unique game, now I hate to break it to you, but it is not. Project Stars is the common Rust or Ark clone that you will see on the mobile market, currently the most comparable is Chrimea Land, which is a near 1:1 look-alike, so you are starting off strong in my books; however, I will give you credit on the point you brought up before this, there was an issue with PUBGM clones, but that is just the standard capitalization of a profitable venture or to put it in small words to help you, following the money. Now to the next problem, your complaints of lawsuits against companies that make mobile games. That my friend has only happened twice and only succeeded once, cry all you want about the removal of Area F2, I myself, enjoyed it too, but it was a 1:1 ripoff of R6 Siege. The only differences are some name changes and the alteration of characters, I was still mostly a mobile gamer when Area F2 was out, so I can understand where you are coming from on it being, "The perfect game," though now I can see how it was problematic from a legal standing as a 19-year-old with interests in business. Let me put it in simple terms for you, there is this thing called, "Copyright," Area F2 violated it due to how similar it was to R6, thus Ubisoft was completely in the right to remove Area F2, it sucks, but that is business. Next point, this one is not as long as it does not have the side of me that wants to get into business putting my face into my paws, just my gamer side. "Fortnite copying pubgm," my friend, what drugs are you on, I won't even waste time deconstructing this delusional statement, my paws are already burning. And finally, we are at the last argument, "Computer Developers suck," look. I can tell from your previous points that you are indoctrinated on mobile so I won't bother to even try talking you out of your stance, I am a wolf-fox on the internet, not a licensed psychiatrist; however, there is so much miss information in this portion that I would fail as a critic if I strayed away from deconstructing it. So let us do that, "PC developers suck at making mobile games," well of course, it is why the work is generally outsourced to mobile publishers such as Tencent, as the studios behind major PC releases would not have the experience for mobile. While I can agree some of the spinoffs that are made are bad, I would not say that this is an issue with skill on the studio's part, just the climate of the mobile market itself, I hate to break it to you but everyone sees the mobile market with money bags on their eyes, that is all I can say about this statement without trying to pull you away from mobile, which I won't, more power to you for standing up for the platform that you like... even if it is focused on getting money via predatory tactics. "Mobile gaming number one," okay, I said that I wouldn't, but I cannot resist, that is something only someone disillusioned with mobile gaming would say. In summary, the OP didn't do his homework and is disillusioned. and I already know this reply will be shot down by "haha furry." Thanks for reading, Respectfully, Delta.
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stop lying clown 🤡
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you're a literal walking contradiction, biased, ignorant, uninformed, severely delusional. project stars took a lot of "inspiration" from no man's sky, yes, a very successful and well-known "trash computer game". area f2 was literally the real impostor here, they were the literal knock off of an already established game. yes, battle royale games tend to take some inspirations and certain mechanics form each other, but that's because people like battle royale. wouldn't it make sense to give what people wants and what people like? but they won't copy everything down to its DNA roots like what area f2 did to r6s do you know how much time and resources needed to make a brand new game title from scratch? let alone to be completely original? would it be more much sense to make something from an already established and well-known franchise? being completely original won't always make a game good or even successful. without experience and the right amount of budget, it'll be a huge bet especially for smaller devs. making a game that people already like is just makes more sense if you want to keep on pointing at "copy cats", well, every single modern shooter games you've probably ever played in your entire life are basically copies of doom and quake from the 90s and no, mobile gaming market was never a number one at anything but the sheer size of its size and numbers of player base. if you want to play completely original mobile games titles, you can go play something like, idk, angry birds or subway surfer.. oh wait, they are a copy of an already established pc/console games.. typing this long won't make you look smarter, especially with this much amount of cursing. this post filled with biases, misinformations, hatred (for some reason). you're looking like a🤡 right now
This says you are lying to us....................
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Bro got played 4x LMAO
Not from some ancient dinosaur computer players. They can't lie about real statistics I don't care who they are. we dominate them in everything and that's a fact. So we just let them argue and complain. As long as As they keep their trash on computer I don't care what they say because we're number one and they're last place in the gaming markets. Why do you think more people support my posting than supporting your computer posts? I got 2K views within one week of posting this and You guys can barely get 2 likes on your posts hence the reason dinosaur computers are dead. You guys are the laughing stock of the mobile markets and every time you Argue About your fake statistics is proof lol
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man i miss area f2
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Apex Moderator
bro is delusional 💀
if i was a game dev and saw my game get copied by some mobile developer ill take legal action and sue them wouldnt you do the same its there property and nobody is allowed to copy it without there permission this isnt a argument your making here your just crying the fact that pc devs want to keep there copyright to themselves they worked thousands of hours trying to get a new idea out just for some mobile dev company to take their idea sorry that reality exist its just business also you spelled sue wrong its s-u-e now sew go back to english class before you write this huge ass shitty complaint
Farhad Fallahi
Farhad Fallahi
they have a good reason for doing this, also for other peoples, have not a good or ok PC system for running the games like rainbow six. this is a best move for us🙃 I'll play rainbow six without any LAG or Delay, when I play on mobile(a little but it's ok) and my phone is Redmi note 8 pro
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