Doomsday last survivors

Hello again guys back with yet another game review on this game as we all no about this type of game just like State of Survival or The Grand Mafia and so on but I really think this has to be a little bit better than the others I'll tell you why I'm not really comparing it with The Grand Mafia as that's not a zombie one but it's the same sort of game but when in the shelter itself you actually have to kill the zombies that are inside it's more demanding on you to do the work instead of sitting there and watching the game do it all for you that you just have to go along with the script yes you do still in a way but it gets you move involved which in my eyes is a huge bonus I'm not really into games like this but for some reason once I start I can't seem to stop I kinda see it's like a gambling addiction where you have to keep pressing the buttons not matter what.. the story is pretty good and the characters are really detailed and I've not played one that gets the zombies coming at you as much as this one does it start off slow to help you get the hang of the buttons but about an hour or two in all it starts going crazy so buckle ya seat belts your in for a full on zombie war here out of all that I have played the has to be the best one so there you have it   I will wish you all the best and hope you survive out there good luck and happy gaming
Mentioned games
what is the problem with dis game can't install in my phone
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