Liberated Maat

[/b][b]Liberated Maat
This maiden has been freed of all earthly desires after being ensnared by a false religion.[/b]
Rarity: ★★★★★
Attribute: Dark
Type: Attacker
Destiny Child: Jeanne d'Arc
[i]Base Power: 2,181
Base HP: 1,739
Base ATK: 1,313
Base DEF: 657
Base AGL: 718
Base CRT: 776
Max Power: ???
Max HP: ???
Max ATK: ???
Max DEF: ???
Max AGL: ???
Max CRT: ???[/i]
S-Rank: Descended Maat
Pactmaker: None
SPA: Liberated Maat
Event: Chasm Maat
Once, a young girl prayed to the gods for peace, but her prayers fell on deaf ears. In desperation, she sought demonic succor, letting her soul run wild. Shorn of her belief in anything, even gods and Demons, she decided to become a god herself. Thus did Maat come to be, and thus did she declare: "My words are god's words. My will is god's will." So hear this, humans: If it is Maat's will to stay snuggled under warm covers on a frigid morning, leisurely munching on oranges, then that is her sovereign right as god!
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