Dragon and Home game review

Game quality: Although the mobile game is still in the beta period, the layout and planning of the game have reached a pretty good level, graphic quality, class elements expressed clearly, outstanding terrain design, above-ground and underground design are clearly distinguished. The monster and mobs design has characteristics.
The map is vast, the new environment is explored by each level and the current has a great change, and the sense of immersion is very strong. Terrain and creatures, monster details are fantastic and dynamic, like the fish in the pond, water plants, and vegetation are very realistic.
Sound effects: In the current experience, seems devs want to bring players a quiet and soft sound environment. It only has some simple melody as background music. On pc it has thunder sound effects, I was scared by it many times. Hope they lower it down in mobile version.
The difference between similar games: take Minecraft as an example, Minecraft is definitely more easy to play, new player friendly.  the MOD rate is high, more construction genres and open world.
Dragon and Home are more social and team cooperative. The map is much larger than Minecraft, and the construction style has gathered almost all the design concepts and styles, you can build whatever you want to build. DnH sure has more smoothness and picture quality.
Because I only played for 300 hours already and still have so much content that was not experienced.
Summary: The overall structure of the game of dragons and homes are pretty good.
diversified gameplay, as players, whether casual or multiplayer cooperate to level up and fight mobs. are all pretty good. Only the game is difficult for new players, for example, the lack of guidelines, the material refresh point is not clear, and stamina guide. aiming judgment error, the portal system is not convenient, and all other small problems. Hope devs can figure them out in later updates.
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Jim Manderico
Jim Manderico
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