This game is exceptional in any perspective you look at it. The devs are on point, and continue to improve. The support team is very cooperative, and quick to reply. The artwork is one that is being used in many other titles, but smash Legends is unique and just flows & feels right. The matchmaking que is one that is never long, which has been and still is a big issue among other games that are similar. Here in the US on the West Coast I hardly experience any lag. Moments here and there yes, but that is mainly dependent on your connection speeds. 
    The level of gameplay is very diverse from individuals that are just starting to those that have been playing for a while now. Your competition is always within means of winning but don’t take it lightly because you will often encounter many passionate players in every level of gameplay. 
  I also have to point out that there is one thing that is beginning to separate the titles I will play from the ones that I won’t and that is honestly controller support as well as being cross-platform. I believe these are major factors that separate the winners from the losers in the overall project of the game. Anything that offers more options, allowing competitors the ability to choose, and ultimately play the game the way that is most comfortable for them, catering to their individual skillset & style of gameplay, will be the cornerstone in how well a game does overall. Options and the ability to choose will keep players around for the long run. Guys, this game has it all! whether you only have a few minutes to spare or you want to play for a few hours here and there you can do so on the go, stationary …however, whenever… wherever you want.   
   Another deciding factor is how toxic a game can be within its community, and I have to say from my personal experience on a scale of 1 - 5 and 5 being extremely toxic/abusive & 1 being rare encounters with toxic individuals, I would have to give it a [ 1 ] being that it’s rare to encounter toxic individuals. This is a major supporting factor in the longevity of any project, and will absolutely determine how long players play, and the consistency of how many new players are coming in. Toxicity is one of the most important subjects that is talked about In communities when deciding to invest time into a game. You can rest assured knowing the few toxic players there are will eventually be filtered out by their own undoing.   
    In conclusion Smash Legends is a family friendly game that appeals to all age groups and also offers a certain level of competition that is hard to find. Being a veteran of many popular titles, from moba’s, to mmorpg’s, brawler’s and everything in between, I can say with confidence that Smash Legends is a contender among the best mobile games available today. Having just added clan aspects in the latest update, it just goes to show that the team is definitely on the right track and are constantly looking for ways to improve.
   Finally If you’ve been searching for a competitive F2P as well as P2W title in which any F2PP can absolutely compete with the best P2WP one that is unique in many aspects that separate itself from the mass majority of other similar titles then you’ve struck gold! and I welcome you to what is in my opinion one of the best mobile games of today. A mobile game of this caliber and gameplay is few & far between… Enjoy!
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