Hi-Fi Rush Brings Gameplay That Interacts With Music...

Hi-Fi Rush is currently available on steam for $29.99 USD. It is a PC game that takes gameplay to a new level. Firstly, though we have to talk about the bright beautiful graphics. My first thought when I started playing was that of the old Sega Dream cast game Jet Set Radio. It has that cartoon/comic art style to it with lots of bright colors that are in your face. It also has some platforming involved as well. In fact, one part of the game has you playing in a side platformer style which felt like the old crash bandicoot. The main character is Chai a wannabe rockstar that is extremely loveable and funny.
After Becoming a defect at the robotic clinic Chai finds out he has super rhematic powers. This turns the combat gameplay into trying to match your attacks to the beats of the songs. If you can keep your attacks on beat, then you can dish out some serious damage to enemies. But even if you're not so good with keeping up with the beat you can still do damage. This playstyle feels amazing when you time your attacks properly and it makes the experience more engaging than just senselessly bashing a bunch of buttons.
The boss fights are fun and feel epic. The game has a few different difficulty settings for you to tinker with to find the one that best fits your level of skill. After the clearing the first chapter you gain access to the hideout which is where you can interact with other fellow good guys and use your gears to purchase some upgrades. You can get new basic attacks, new special attacks, as well as permeant buffs. Overall, it's a great game and worth playing. The 30-dollar price tag is well worth. In fact, I'd say this game is a lot better than games I've played priced at 70 dollars.
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