First Impressions on Hogwarts Legacy

Released: 10 Feb, 2023
Price: $60 USD
I haven't played a Harry Potter game in a long time. The most recent were the Philosopher's Stone and Quidditch World Cup in 2001 and 2003.
So hearing that you can't play Quidditch at all in the game was rather upsetting as it is one of the most engaging activities throughout the franchise.
The developers announced that it would not be included in Hogwarts Legacy.
The game itself appears to be fine, with no reason to be concerned about it being a high-priced game that is non-functional like we are used to seeing.
A little lacking but offers variety
You may tailor yourself in whatever way you see fit, whether you're gay, trans, feminine, or masculine. However, there aren't many configurable sliders.
This leaves room for expansion. If you want to be taller, thinner, slimmer, or larger, you must select a character from the available list
It feels a little constrained, and the voices are toned up and down with an artificial-sounding filter, making it sound at times like Text-To-Speech.
The rest of the settings are quite regular, however you can't even acquire a lightning bolt scar on your forehead to even attempt to roleplay like Harry Potter, it's strange in some ways, but I assume they have a reason.
Audio Settings
Adjust the configuration
This isn't a significant concern, but it messed up my audio, I don't have a home cinema, a couple things sounded weird until I manually turned it to headphones.
If you do decide to buy this game, make sure you thoroughly check your settings before you start playing because it may cause you problems because it does not auto adjust some things.
Very few problems
The game is graphically intriguing though, not spectacular.
It runs nicely on maximum settings, 60+ frames per second or higher if choose to. There are also a lot of customization options to better suit your GPU specs.
So far, so good, with a few minor visual problems like cloaks vanishing and turning stiff and non-functional. However, as the game grows in popularity, these bugs should be patched and fixed on a regular basis.
Railroaded for 3 hours (Tutorial)
The tutorial was painful for me
While playing games, particularly those that claim to be open world and exploration, some of us like not to be told exactly what to do from that start.
I understand basic introductions and tutorials to assist you into a video game, but when the game holds your hand for 3 hours and punishes you for being curious and impatient, it kills all of the enjoyment.
You failed because you were intrigued!
Return to your quest location!
Don't go that route!
Why? It only serves as a disincentive to exploration. It's not really that far away, between 10m and 20m. I just want to pick up some stuff and look around.
Gear is level restricted
When you do have free reign to do whatever you want, it's a little lacklustre for what I like in these types of open world games.
I enjoy exploring regions I shouldn't be entering, especially really high level spots, in the hopes of finding equipment that is slightly more powerful.
While you can explore the higher difficulty places, you can't equip anything you find because everything scales up to a higher level, making it impossible for you to become more powerful and thus making the game harder to steam roll.
I like games like BOTW where you can go to the best areas in the game and collect all the good overpowered gear and weapons, destroying everything in your wake. It's unfortunate that it seems to be gate locked by progression.
I guess it's back to some hand holding chores...
Some issues
You can't interact with much of the world
I'd describe myself as eccentric.
So it pained me to see that the vast bulk of this game has been greeted with numerous roadblocks throughout the four hours that I have invested so far.
I was hoping to be able to attack students, get in trouble, similar to that of the game Bully but it's been quite limited in terms of what you can and cannot do.
In a lot of video games, I go off the rails. If you tell me exactly where to go, I'll go there in an unusual way, especially if I need something to get there.
It also left me perplexed as to why you could fling around animals and blast them with no penalties but being unable to engage with other pupils outside of quests, duels and school teachings.
There were numerous issues that I encountered while playing, and I frequently became caught in between buildings.
A lot of things and objects clipping through walls and such, but they were insignificant because you can simply teleport out in no time.
Functions well
As you progress through the game you will learn a great deal of spells and incantations that will help you deal with the many foes of the world.
Blocking, dodging, and counters are all integrated in a way that is natural and simple to master, while also being moderately fun to mess around with.
I'm going to need some more time
It took me approximately 3 hours to fully grasp a few things the game had to offer because the game kept holding me back through conversation and minor chores and objectives that could not be bypassed or side-tracked in any way.
This is a lengthy tutorial, but once I got through it, it was mostly enjoyable, not on the same level as Red Dead Redemption, but near enough that I'm curious to see what else the game has to offer.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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Araneus Kyüro
Araneus Kyüro
Man, the state of these "Open World" games that hold your hand and don't let you explore it right of the get-go is honestly quite frustrating. I played Breath of the Wild and Fallout New Vegas before any other ones, and the difference is a stark contrast. It's very annoying when they claim to be open world, but it's more along the lines of "BEEG MAP, NO VARIETY"💀🥲
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TapTap Creator
I wholeheartedly agree. When a term or genre is misinterpreted by anything else, such as strolling around outside of a house, it is incredibly upsetting when they slap the tags of open-world. It's not, it's an instance. I'm in the same situation. When I saw the tag, my immediate instinct was that I was really upset. It is not a open world. It really isn't, and individuals defending the game and threatening everyone around them with violence because the fanbase is as large as a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings fanbase is equally annoying.
After reading this it did feel like this person had just watched a video about this game and tried to come up with a quick review to be honest , if they did watched the 15 min intro they would of seen half the stuff mentioned was explained and for a review only detailing one thing about the story and then complaining about not having much freedom that dose raise concerns about other reviews....
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