Real life possible SCP - Vermin God

Vermin God is an interesting game, to say the least. SPCs have always been weird and terrifying, but there's something different about them when you start to think that this could somehow also happen in real life. That's one of the reasons this game felt so creepy and disgusting to me, but I guess this is what it's meant to do.
One of the reasons I'm saying this is because, from the start, you're greeted on a surgical table, not knowing what happened to you, just to wake up and start vomiting maggots and worms. Sounds amazing already, doesn't it? And that's happening in the first minute of the game. So trust me when I say that worse things can happen after that, like a centipede crawling into your ear and you're fine with it, or a giant thing with a human face staring at you from a water tank in the middle of a forest. Lovely, isn't it? That's pretty much the whole game summarized in these examples.
Now a thing that also helps this game in its atmosphere and mood is the artstyle, which I have to say is not the worst; it's pretty much what you'd expect from a game based on this idea. For some reason, it reminded me of "The ER" though that game is much more polished since it is on a larger scale. Vermin God, on the other hand, feels more aesthetic.
One thing I have to mention is that the grammar and some spelling in this game are not the best, which is a little awkward since this is a novel/choice story game. Though there was a patch, I still think there should be another one. Also, the whole sound department in this game is just a song. Admittedly, this game was made by only 4 people, so I guess that is fine when you think about it.
Frankly, the only thing that is disappointing in this game (besides it being too short) is that you're given quite a few choices and paths, and yet, all of them lead to the same ending. I really would've liked to see a bit more nuance in this part of the game since, in my opinion, this was the most important part, but I am hoping that there will be an update in the future adding a few more endings.
Overall, this game does what it was set out to do, give you some creepy vibes and a lot of facts about rats.
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