Flash Party Design Contest: Alexa the Apple Butterfly

Hero Name: Alexa
Fighter Class: All-arounder
“Magical Humanoid Butterfly”
Uses a mix of magic and brute force
Difficulty: Beginner
Alexa appears to be an anthropomorphic butterfly girl. She is quite tall and has big apple slice shaped wings, but also wears human clothing. She was once just a normal sized butterfly freely exploring the forest. Little did she know this was an enchanted forest.
One day, she ate a mysterious mushroom, and she grew to human size! She was very tall and skinny, but her forearms were unusually wide and sturdy.
This mushroom also granted her magical abilities she did not possess before. Elemental powers such as fire, water, earth, lightning and more! With this, she had the goal of master her magic, as well as her martial arts and fighting techniques akin to wrestling.
As the name suggests, Alexa’s apple slice shaped wings aren’t just for show. This gives her an additional midair jump, having 3 jumps in total.
She also is very floaty, has above average speed on the ground and high aerial speed. However, she is only light-medium weight.
Similarly to Lan, she floats a little above the ground in all her grounded animations. She tends to act very girly and flamboyant as well. She’s a very sweet girl, unless you make her angry.
Neutral Attack
Alexa performs a quick one-two cross jab. The second jab launches the opponent and is quite strong.
Grounded Up Attack
Alexa delivers a brutal uppercut reaching above her head. There is a physical attack sweet spot at the start that launches forward, and a magic attack sweet spot at the end of the move that launches upward.
Grounded Down Attack
Alexa spins in her low hovering position to poke the opponent with her curved stinger. This launches the opponent toward and above her.
Charged Attack
Alexa leans back a bit, and channels elemental magic into her arm. 1 of 3 things happen randomly:
- One-hit burst of fire that has a long lasting hitbox, which is strongest at the start.
- Multi-hit splashes of water, launching the opponent away on the final hit.
- Two-hit bolt of lightning. This effect stuns the enemy in place.
Dash Attack
Alexa puts two hands forward while gliding like she’s about to push someone. Light magic flashes from her hands, hitting the opponent 3 times.
Neutral Air Attack
Alexa spins around with her arms out. She hits the opponent multiple times on either side of the attack with non-elemental magic. It is strongest from the front.
Forward Air Attack
Alexa charges fire into her right fist, and unleashes a strong punch. It ranges in an arc downward, having a Spike effect during the later frames of the attack.
Back Air Attack
Alexa furls her wings toward herself, and snaps them back to smash the opponent in between them. This attack slightly pushes Alexa forward in the air.
Up Air Attack
Alexa furls her wings toward herself having a hitbox, and snaps them upward for a second hitbox to launch the opponent. It is strongest at close proximity.
Down Air Attack
Alexa performs a corkscrew kick, hitting the opponent with her legs multiple times. The last hit Spikes the opponent.
Neutral Skill: 5-hit jab to Uppercut
Alexa delivers a quick jab, following up with 4 fast jabs, and finishing with a strong uppercut.
Side Skill: Flying Grapple
Alexa quickly rushes forward, throwing her arms in front of her. This is a command grab and cannot be shielded.
Once she gets hold of an enemy, she can throw them into four directions. Alexa will:
- Punch the opponent in the gut, launching them up and away (Forward Input)
- Jump up with the opponent in her hands, and slam them into the ground. This will have a burying effect. Down Input)
- Lift up her opponent over her head, and slam their back against her broad shoulders, launching them straight up. (Up Input)
- Perform a German Suplex, slamming the opponent on their back and launching them backwards. Alexa will be facing the direction the opponent was thrown. (Backwards Input)
If Alexa uses this move in the air, she can move slightly upward or downward and will stall her in the air.
The Down input will also change. Alexa will instead grab her opponent with her off hand, and throw them downward, having a Spike effect.
The Backwards input will have Alexa pull the opponent in close, and perform an Izuna Drop style throw into the stage. If there is no stage or platform detected below her, she will instead spin around three times and toss the opponent, turning her around as well.
Up Skill: Hyper Wing
Alexa will have slight invincibility starting in the first frame, lasting 8 frames, and flies straight up on the 8th frame. The beginning of the move has a large hitbox and is very strong. The further upward she travels, the weaker the damage and KO power.
Unlike most up skill attacks, she is able to act and even jump after using it. She is also able to move slightly left or right when using the attack.
Down Skill: Nature’s Guard
Alexa will do a stance, manifesting a green glow around her. In this stance, she cannot be knocked back and takes half of the damage dealt from attacks.
Upon getting hit, the player may either release the Skill button and perform a counterattack, launching the opponent away, or continue holding the button to continue guarding after the hit. Releasing the button after absorbing an attack makes her invincible during the counterattack.
Absorbing damage will fill a special meter above the All-arounder meters, while releasing the button after absorbing damage will fill the Down Attack meter.
Using this skill in the air will slow down her fall speed as long as she holds the button. Activating this skill just before an attack hits activates a special Parry, dealing heavy damage and knockback.
Alexa’s grab is unique in that she uses divine magic to grab unsuspecting victims below with plants and throned tendrils. Although, she has her arms out in front of her during the animation if she successfully grabs an opponent.
Forward Throw
Alexa uses her magic to lift opponent up. She then blasts them with rapid fire orbs of Light and Dark magic energy, hitting the opponent multiple times.
Back Throw
Alexa throws turns around and throws her opponent to the ground. She then uses Earth magic to harden her forearms and fists with stone, slamming them onto the opponent for a strong attack.
Since Alexa is an All-arounder, her neutral skill is boosted once all three meters are filled. Similarly to Sivi or Seaya, she has a unique meter. 2 separate meters would be a better way to say it.
Landing magical attacks fills up a meter on the left, colored yellow. Once it is full, the next few magic attacks are boosted in damage and KO power.
Landing non-magical attacks fills up a meter on the right, colored red. Once this meter is full, the next few physical and non-elemental attacks are boosted in damage.
If both meters are filled simultaneously, they become one meter that starts slowly depleting. During this time, her speed on the ground and in the air are increased, damage output is higher, recovery move reaches higher and has some frames of armor, and gains one more jump, making 4 in total. This special meter depletes faster when Alexa takes continuous damage.
Enhanced Neutral Skill: Mach 10 Flurry Punches to Triple Uppercut
Once her all-arounder gauge is full, she kicks it into overdrive. She begins rapidly punching her opponent multiple times for several seconds, before finishing off the opponent with 3 fierce uppercuts. This launches the opponent straight up.
This skill is unique in that if she misses initially, she won’t continue punching, but the gauge is not used up. It only depletes once she hits an opponent. 
There is a unique interaction against blocking opponents. The rapid punches are quick and strong enough to break the shield. When the shield breaks, Alexa will channel elemental energy into her dominant hand and deliver a devastating punch.
If Alexa ends up winning this contest, here are some colorful sticker ideas for her Alter Skills
Hyper Spiral
Hyper Wing now has Alexa spin while rising, hitting the opponent multiple times and launching on the final hit.
Decisive Elements
The elemental effects of her charged attack can now be chosen based on the direction you’re holding.
Electric Aura
Alexa’s wing and neutral attacks now deal electric damage, stunning the opponent.
Venomous Sting
Alexa’s stinger inflicts a passive Poison effect.
Pro Wrestler
Alexa’s standard and side skill throws deal extra damage.
Nature’s Shield
A magic bubble surrounds Alexa during her down skill. This bubble reflects projectiles, and pushes away opponents that are close to Alexa when activated.
Overall, Alexa is some parts grappler and fighter, some parts magic user. She is quite easy to pick up, but not so easy to master. She is able to quickly rack up damage and catch the enemy off guard, so have fun.
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