Brotato - A FANTASTICLY FUN Port to Mobile Devices!

Brotato recently came out with a global test version of the game for you to try out and I thought I'd give it a go, Brotato is also available on PC so you can also play it there too, but it is now coming to mobile devices as well. Gameplay wise Brotato is a top down arena shooter roguelite gamne that lets you pick 5 available characters, the first one is the most all rounder type character while the other 4 have their specialties, that also come with some negative traits as well.
You just use your thumb to move your character around the map, laying waste to all the enemies and pick up their green orbs along the way, every time you level up you will get to choose some new weapons and also some new upgrades to your characts stats as well.
I especially liked how you can combine doubles of weapons to increase the rarity, I did manage to get one weapon to red color ranking, which I think is pretty high. I don't know if I can get a higher ranked weapon than that, but I still think its a cool feature. I also like how after each round your health regens so that you aren't handicapped from the previous rounds.
I definitely enjoyed the character who specialized in melee combat and range combat the most. Visually I love the design of the characters and the game itself. While the map is pretty barren of much interest, the character designs are great. And I think these types of games require the world map to be pretty barren so you can run around and dodge with ease.
Though they do tend to throw in a couple isolated trees or so just to get you stuck at times. But in this game you can destroy those trees too if you need to. Overall I'd say that Brotato is a fantastic game for those who love the roguelite genre and is a great port to mobile devices. I highly recommend you to try this game when it officially releases. It's a fun game to add to your gaming library.
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