my experience from playing

well here's my experience from playing this game for way too long
devs don't give a damn, greedy and ignorant to the game's overall problems, bots litter the game, hackers sometimes rule a certain part of the day, and so on and so forth
(read above if text too long)
speaking of problems, hackers, exploits,and many more problems plague the game's ecosystem.
and oh yeah and by the way this game has premium currency, a gacha system, a damn battle pass, and a premium road for you spend time and money to get worthless cosmetics, yeah the skins may look cool and awesome but is it worth spending tons of dollars and time on it?
and to inform the unfortunate s.o.b. that reads this, tickets for the gacha system are painfully grindy to get ahold of, for example a single premium ticket for the basic pool is around 1500 credits doesn't like alot but get this you only get like 300 from the credit thing in your profile 250 creds from a clan thats semi active, 20 creds per challenge and maybe even 10 for weekly "limited" challenges
not to mention that there's a limit for how much tickets you could buy for every week, 3 is the limit not counting the highlight store ticket which you could only buy once per week
well if you read this long i shall go over the gameplay
it's decent when it works, unplayable when it isn't.
the mechs are fun don't get me wrong but it has the same problem as like titanfall where if you get a mech first you could most probably eliminate everyone near you for less competition (well if the competition isn't bots where most of the time they are)
gunplay of decent for a br mobile game could be worse could be better
vehicles are lacking(only two vehicles not counting the hover board)
and the teams for br are horribly imbalance, a full experienced team of three could wipe out an entire server meanwhile little old Jimmy playing by himself can't win a damn game
well i don't know what more to put here so if you made this far and read it all the way through and see all my spelling mistakes know that im just warning you, play at your own risk and try to have fun at least
Mentioned games
so you deleted the game or?
yes I've deleted it for a long time now
Joshua Boyi
Joshua Boyi
well dang, spirit broken
kiddz kiddo
kiddz kiddo
well..still play it when i get bored🤣🤣
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