My flash Party Hero Design

ID: 26642780651
He is a nerd a hacker and also the best friend of Tarara Versailles, they met in the school, and one day the world was in trouble for a cibernetic invasion, so Nedd and Tarara wanted to save it; Nedd was the mind, and Tarara the skillest; so Nedd hacked the cyber world and introduce Tarara to save it, and the end of the day, they saved it, but... Only Tarara was the hero in that story, also the most famous Party in the world invited her to participate to combat, after that Nedd left alone. Now he want to prove that he can be a hero too, so he is trying his best to participate in this Party, Would you help him to get the glory?
His main strategy is to get all kind of buffs and to the opponent to get the nerfs, of course the only way that he knows is the hacking.
He need to "charge" the program to hack and get buffs or to the opponent to get nerfed he can only use this once, (he doesn't want to get busted for the admins of Flash Party). The only way to charge the program is when he hit's the opponent so he can recopilate data.
-The normal attacks are with the alambric mouse.
-The charged attack is with the computer to flash the opponents with the camera to get the opponet sttuned and combo in to normal attacks.
-The up special is the teleport, doesn't hit but also he can't get a hit.
-The down special is the "special delivery", he can get 3 differents deliverys with a drone that he hack. (this is random to be fair)
1.- A toy mouse that can travel in the top of the stage or platforms, dealing not a lot of damage, but can be annoing.
2.- Some kind of bateries that he can throw git a great disntance and if hits the opponent get paralized for a moment.
3.- The same drone, hit you with 3 laser beams dealing great damage.
-The side special grabs the opponent to charge more quickly his program so he can get his ultimate, also he deals damage meanwhile(you can mash buttons to get out of this).
-The neutral special he launch numbers ("0" and "1") to hit the opponet, the "0" spin arrond the stage like a roller coaster, and the "1" go only horizontal(this is random) of course Nedd get so vulnerable after this.
Super Special:
When Nedd get download his program, he can performance 1 of 2 habilities but is random, so he not even know what it gonna happen.
1.- Nedd get stronger attacks and better speed for 10s the time ends fast if loosing a stock.
2.- The opponent get random buttons for 10s the time ends fast if loosing a stock.
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