Flash Party design contest entry: Setoso

[Name of hero] Setoso
(I dont know if hero builder is legal but the design can be altered to be a bit more original)
Setoso is a 57 year old Argentinian MMA fighter who is widely considered to be the greatest fighter of all time, his ferocity in the ring coupled with his overwhelming crazed look on his face made him near unbeatable. Though all this fame has gotten to his head, making him paranoid that one day he might be beaten which leads him to go on a rampage through his home town. When his next opponent calls him out on his irrational behavior, setoso set out to find the legendary ice gauntlet of power (name is WIP) to give him the edge in the fight, even if his opponent didnt know it. When the faithful day of the fight came, setoso beat his opponent to kingdom come, causing him to be chased after by the authorities and his legacy be replaced by that of a supervillain. (The backstory can also be changed to where he is tong's arch nemesis which would be cool since she's fire and he's ice :)👍 )
[Class: brawler]
[Passive: fire of fury]
Setoso is a fast character with a high jump. But what makes him special is that he has high air speed which allows him to follow up on his moves quicker and build up momentum. He is made to be aggressive and face the opponents face on, could possibly be a scary character to play against! Though his weakness could be his range, his light weight, and/or the height of his up special, I firmly believe that all great characters have weaknesses.
Edit: the down air could be changed to a downwards backhand slap into a punch that spikes without holding down the button to make it look cooler/
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