Flash Party Hero Design Contest

[Name of Hero] 9-10
[ID] 20214700651
A Japanese-American born in Oklahoma, her fascination with lightning grew the more she experienced thunderstorms. Wondering if she can control the weather on her own, she started learning how to utilize water, lightning, and wind sorcery to make a technique that will replicate the weather she's seen prior. Years later, she has still yet to gain mastery over the weather but she was successful in making a compressed form of a hurricane.
Thunder Duplication Blade- In battle, she'll throw her thunder duplication blade which can clone itself up to 100 times depending on the amount of mana she uses. The blade can also move as fast as the speed of lightning, making her a tough opponent to fight if you're not careful. Unfortunately, this item is a double-edged sword as 9-10 doesn't have the reaction speed in order to control her blade.
Hurricane- Despite the fact that the "Hurricane"  is small,  the technique holds enough strength to ravage a building. Though it may not have the size, the damage it deals is no different from the actual thing. It's just an actual typhoon compressed into the palm of her hands.
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