Awesome TBS RPG

Good singleplayer open Turn Based Strategy RPG.
Wide variation of builds and playstyles. This game is a gem and you wont find any better in the mobile game arena where gacha and moneygrabs are rampant.
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oh MAN!! I took one look at this and was suddenly transported to a time when RPGs like this one , not like most of the crap offered to us by desperate, greedy developers <waves at Blizzard> looking only to make a buck by targeting and serving whales whose primary skill is "wave wallet" create and distribute . Ok, ok. High irony to make a point since I'm still playing and loving DI :). I found it amusung that one reviewer was loving it but still trying to figure out how to play it. Hey, there's no AUTO everything! lol. I KNOW I'm going to be spending many hours on this one. To those that really want to see what a true, old school ROG looks like, your search has ended ;) SNAG this gem right now!
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