Flash Party hero design contest: Brazil Man

[Name of hero]: Afonso Da Silva (aka "Brazil Man")
[ID:] 27099100651
(Due to the recent "no AI art" rule, I've changed the submission art into this drawing that my artist friend u/Khar on reddit made for me a while back)
Afonso Da Silva, aka "Brazil Man" is the ruler of an alternate version of brazil. Brazil Man watches over his country with an iron fist and a golden smile. Using his strength that's been passed down from generations of superhuman royalty and his impeccable leadership, he flies into battle ready to be challenged by all he calls his friends!
(I dont wanna go too deep into his backstory but lets just say he was made in a  l a b)
[Class]: brawler
[Passive]: fire of fury (still debating this one)
[Passive]: Brazilience(sounds like resilience haha): after he has 100% ko score, brazil man's grounded normal moves has a brief moment of super armor at the beginning but only blocks one hit, similar to tong's neutral special
Brazil man, with his flight and all, is a floaty character. He deals a lot of burst damage and knockback. Even though he is fast, some moves still leave him vulnerable if missed.
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