Digimon World comes to PC and Switch | First Impressions - Digimon World: Next Order

Digimon World: Next Order is a familiar game that will delight PC and Switch-wielding fans of the Digimon franchise, more specifically, Digimon World fans. The game has been recently ported and released to the Nintendo Switch and PC platforms.
In Digimon World: Next Order, players assume the role of a human character (the player can name the protagonist in the beginning of the game) who is transported to the Digital World and must explore and help save it from a state of chaos. Just like the original Digimon World, Machinedramon is once again the source of these problems. The game mechanics involve collecting and training Digimon, battling enemies, and exploring the game world.
The port is mostly the same game that was released 7 years ago for the PS Vita and PS4 in the following year. But with some minor quality of life changes that are more targeted towards newcomers and beginners, with the addition of a beginner mode difficulty and a run button which allows the character to move faster than the original speed.
In Digimon World: Next Order, players must navigate the Digital World and recruit Digimon to their team. Once a Digimon is recruited, the player can feed it, train it, and care for it to improve its stats, which determine how well it performs in battle. Different Digimon have different strengths and weaknesses, so players must strategize and choose their team carefully.
Partner Digimons will inevitably die in time and is a normal part of gameplay, allowing you to start them again as babies and repeat the cycle again, trying out new possible ways to evolve your Digimon, in a rogue-like-esque fashion.
Battles in Digimon World: Next Order are real-time and take place in the game world, with the player controlling two Digimon at once. The player can issue strategic commands to their Digimon, such as attack, defend, or use special abilities, and the Digimons will automatically battle. During battles, players must monitor their Digimon's health and MP (memory points) and choose actions accordingly.
The combat system is well-designed and engaging, with real-time battles that require strategic thinking, careful planning, and decisive actions. The ability to control two Digimon in battle and to use their unique abilities makes battles more interesting and dynamic. The visuals and how the battles are represented are also more visually appealing and action-packed, especially when using special moves, complete with matching awesome anime-inspired soundtrack.
The game world in Digimon World: Next Order is vast and varied, with multiple areas to explore and discover. Players can encounter NPCs, take on quests, and battle powerful bosses in their journey to save the Digital World. The game also features a day and night cycle, with some events and quests only available during certain times of the day.
Considering the game was originally made for the PS Vita, the game's graphics are still neat and have aged well, with vibrant colors, lighthearted tones, and detailed anime character and creature designs that bring the Digital World to life, even more than before. The game's music is also well-composed and adds to the overall atmosphere of the game, especially when in battles.
If you're a fan of the Digimon franchise or looking for a fun and engaging role-playing game with some exploration and pet-caring aspects, this is definitely one to check out, although the launch price is a bit high at $60, especially for a 7 year old game.
Full Review will be posted soon here on Taptap! Stay tuned!
Mentioned games
they bring this shit to PC in 2023. And can't do shit about the graphic quality XDD
TapTap Creator
graphics are okay since its not really aiming for a realistic tone. but the graphic settings could have been improved and it should have supported more resolutions and options
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