A Decent Game That Needs Some Improvements...

Fatal Adventure is a side scrolling RPG platformer. The core gameplay is decent, and the graphics are nice with a fun bright style. The problem is that the horrible controls and input lag hurt the experience. When you push the jump button or attack button it is so delayed and takes getting used to. The other problem I faced with the attack button has a short cooldown. This is a problem because when you face enemies that require more than 1 hit you immediately take damage from that enemy, and there is no real way to avoid it. The damage from the enemies is insanely high with 1 hit taking more than half your health most of the time.
What I really liked was the different characters you can unlock and play as. You can unlock them with either gold of the premium currency diamonds. You get gold every time you kill a monster or open up treasure chests or destroy barrels. The F2P grind to unlock new heroes isn't that bad. Its overall a decent game that has potential to be fun if they can improve the controls and input lag. This is a game I say try out because you might enjoy it but it is definitely not one that I say is a must play for everyone.
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