Journey through mysterious temple. Loop Review.

Loop is a beautiful puzzle adventure, where you delve into the temple full of mysteries and explore it, setting it free from corruption. You will be accompanied by the second character who is controlled by AI and that character will take active part in solving the puzzles.
The core gameplay of Loop is a mix of puzzle solving and exploration. You will move between sections of a temple connected with some sort of moving platform that will get you from from one sector to another. Each sector will have a puzzle to solve, mostly you will have to move blocks around or step on the highlighted areas to trigger special effects.
The fun thing about the game is that your AI partner will be running around doing things as well, so half of the load will be on that character. It almost feels like you are playing coop.
Game doesnt feature any distinct stages, moving between areas is seamless, but you will see autosave icon while changing areas, that will be your checkpoint if you will leave the game or would like to restart the puzzle sequence.
Some interactions in the game take a while to go through and cutscenes might be a bit too slow for my taste.
Gameplay Score: 7/10
Game isnt difficult at all. Puzzles are pretty easy and fun, but a little bit repetitive. There are some game sequences where you think you should do things fast, but in reality time is unlimited.
Difficulty Score: 2/10
Loop have a pretty simple 3d graphics, but it looks really good. Its perfect for the mobile devices. Some actions like corruption removal and laser effects have a really nice animation and light effects.
Overall graphics are nice for the mobile game and graphic style is neat and fits the game and setting pretty well.
Graphics Score: 8/10
Sounds and Music
Loop have very pleasant background ambient music. Depending on the level it might change to a more fast paced one. Sounds are nice too. Nothing to be complaining about.
Sounds and Music Score: 7/10
F2P or P2W
Game is buy to play, so its completely free of microtransactions. At the moment of writing this review it costs about 3 USD, which is a nice price for this game.
F2P Score: Game costs 3 USD.
Overall scores and Conclusion
Gameplay 7/10
Difficulty 2/10
Graphics 8/10
Sounds and BGM 7/10
F2P - paid game
Loop is a pretty fun puzzle game. It have a story, interesting way of solving puzzles, AI partner that makes everything feel more alive and nice vibe to it. Its not a hard game, so if you want to go on adventure, solve some puzzles and relax this game will be a good option for you.
Overall score: 8/10
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