Tiny Vanguards Is A Blast For Early Access....

Tiny Vanguards is currently in early access but still that doesn't stop it from being a great game. I see lots of potential for this and really hope is succeeds. You manage a squad of characters and have a spaceship and travel from place to place to discover new territories and defeat monsters. My favorite part about the game is the characters have their own little personalities and move around and attack on their own. You have basic control over them to make them go to certain spots but when engaging in combat and picking up resources it's all done by them.
The characters also have their own name bringing more personality to them. Aside from just deploying the characters to the land you also can call in special support from your spaceship. Support ranges from dropping turrets that pump out a ton of damage to shields that can protect your turrets and squad members. My only complaint was the controls for moving your characters. You need to click on the character first and then click a spot to have the character go to that spot. When you just have 1 character exploring it becomes annoying to have to keep clicking on that single character just to get them to move. This feature works good though when you have multiple characters out on the map.
Overall, I think this can be a great game and can't wait to see all the new things added to make it even better. I say try this out now and then revisit it later when more features are added.
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