Samurai Shodown III ACA Neogeo is a classic 90's 2D arcade fighting mobile game with lots of japanese style sword fighters who have lots of unique combat skills to kill opponent in flashy ways! It was definitely a nostalgic feeling playing this wonderful masterpiece of 90's era. This game definitely was easy when I used to play this game with my joystick in its original PS platform but this game is not quite hard to play in the mobile platform where the game difficulty settings is also set quite hard!
I was quite happy to see a good bunch of fighters in the character selection list. But I would have loved to see more characters in the roster. None the less, all the fighters looked damn good with very nice artwork and fighting animations. Even though there are only 12 fighters to select from, mastering each one of them definitely takes time, especially in mobile screen gamepad control.
The battle system is surely quite intriguing and flashy but the controls are surely quite hard, especially for the beginners. A quick control system which we could use to spam special abilities of our characters asap would have been very much appreciated. I found it very hard to perform special skill moves and combos in the mobile as it was very easy to play in the console previously. None the less, the fighting moves, animations and skills are just mindblowing in this game!
Overall, this game is worth trying out but this game ain't free! This game will cost you $3.99 USD. Let me know in the comments if you think the pricing is good for this classic 2D arcade fighting game. I certainly enjoyed playing this game but the frustrations with the controls are pretty damning.
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